Infiintat la sfarsitul anilor ’90, la Berlin, Dictaphone este proiectul multi-instrumentistului Oliver Doerell, originar din Bruxelles. In 2000, acestuia i s-a alaturat berlinezul Roger Döring, cei doi impartasind pasiunea pentru muzica belgiana din anii ’80. In anii ce au urmat, duo-ul a inregistrat, alaturi de alti muzicieni invitati, ca Stephan Wöhrmann (SWOD) sau Malka Spigel (Minimal Compact), albumele m.= addiction (2002), Nacht (2004) si Vertigo II (2006), la prestigioasa casa de discuri City Centres Offices (Boomkat, Modern Love).
In 2009, in formatie a fost cooptat violonistul Alex Stolze. In aceasta formula, Dictaphone a concertat in peste 20 de tari, participand la festivaluri ca Mutek, Transmediale, Unsound, Benicassim si altele. Cel mai recent album al trupei, APR 70, a fost lansat la finalul anului trecut, de label-ul Denovali.
Noul release a fost compus si produs timp de trei ani, de membrii Dictaphone: Oliver Doerell (electronics, bas, chitara), Roger Döring (saxofon, clarinet) si Alex Stolze (vioara). In APR 70, bucatile instrumentale, de jazz, se imbina cu ritmurile hipnotizante si layer-ele electronice pentru a crea aranjamente complexe ce pot fi soundtrack-ul perfect pentru zilele tulburi si noptile senine deopotriva, ca o noua incarnare sau chiar definitie a puritatii.
Minimalistic and subliminal elegancy – ARTE
Timeless, unusual & beautiful – Colin Newman
Dictaphone gives warmth to the concept, your thoughts a body and atmosphere to the music. – Spex
This is the music to fall in love with over many evenings, each subsequent rotation capturing another moment of time to be recalled in the future. Highly recommended. – Headphone Commute
When played from a rooftop, this music may be as quiet as a poem, but it carries the power of a manifesto. – A Closer Listen
Dictaphone’s Oliver Doerell was one of my musical idols. There was something about his sound, both with Dictaphone and his other act SWOD, that I always held close to my heart. It truly touched me… – Late Night Tales | Nils Frahm
Evenimentul Avant Sessions : Dictaphone live este organizat de Control Club si Liveland.
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